Victorian School Days

Experience what it would be like at school through role-play. Use slate boards and explore Victorian Punishments.

This 2hr session will be delivered with the classroom set in rows. The workshop will not however be delivered in role, to allow for comparisons with school life in modern times. We also strive to make the workshop fun and appreciate that some children might feel intimidated by a Victorian teacher character. However, there will be opportunities for the class to go in and out role, in a more relaxed environment.

Pupils will begin the session looking at photographs and comparing Victorian classrooms to their own.

Pupils will handle money and write on slates, taking part in an arithmetic and a spelling lesson.

There will be a drill lesson. This can be done in the classroom behind chairs or outside, weather permitting.

Pupils will discover what Victorian punishments were like. Beware the naughty child! You might get chosen!


The workshop will focus on

  • What lessons children were taught
  • What punishments and rewards were given
  • What a Victorian classroom looked like
  • What children used to write with
  • What children did in drill time
  • How teaching in Victorian times compares with modern teaching

Victorian School Days can be combined with Mystery Box for a full day Victorian experience